Windows - How to install MultiBitClassic

Download the (8.5MB, ).

To run the installer, double click it and follow the instructions.

Once installed, you can start MultiBitClassic with the 'MultiBitClassic' shortcut in your 'All Programs | MultiBitClassic' menu or with your desktop 'MultiBitClassic' shortcut.

Mac - How to install MultiBitClassic

If you are using Mac OSX 10.8 Mountain Lion please perform the following .

Download the (7.2MB, ).

After you have downloaded the disk image file, double click it and a folder window opens.

In the open folder window, drag the MultiBitClassic-0.4.19.app application to the Applications link. MultiBitClassic will then be copied to your Applications folder

You can then open MultiBitClassic by double clicking on this app in your Applications folder.

Linux - How to install MultiBitClassic

Download the (7.6MB, ).

Open a terminal window and make the installer executable with:

    > chmod +x multibitclassic-0.4.19-linux.jar

Run the installer with:

    > java -jar multibitclassic-0.4.19-linux.jar

Follow the instructions in the installer.

After installation, you will have a shortcut to start MultiBitClassic in your "Applications | Other" menu.


If you get an error like "No command 'java' found" or the installer window does not appear you probably need to install an up-to-date version of Java. See the section 'How to install Java on Linux' below.

If you see an error "***.desktop (No such file or directory)" this is a glitch in installing the MultiBitClassic shortcuts. If you run the installer again with the same settings it normally fixes it.

If no MultiBitClassic shortcut is created, you can run MultiBitClassic manually as follows:

    1) open a terminal window and 'cd' to your installation directory.

    2) type:

    > java -jar multibitclassic-exe.jar

How to install Java on Linux

To install Java on a recent copy of Ubuntu open a terminal window and type:

    > sudo apt-get install openjdk-7-jdk

You will be prompted for your system password and then it will install the required packages

If you are running an older version of Ubuntu (e.g. something like Ubuntu 10.4 LTS) you will have to use the following:

    > sudo apt-get install openjdk-6-jdk

For RedHat / CentOS the installation command is:

    > yum install java

More help

You can access the help that is shipped with MultiBitClassic as follows: